Text Box: F.O.A. FUNDING
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Future of America




Public Health and Safety Company


HeartStrokes PHSCO has been an outstanding asset to Future of America through their community involvement and constant support of our programs .


HeartStrokes pioneered the development of Future of America’s Athletic Department Contributing over half of the departments seed money for it’s premier operations


Future of America Programs


College Board


Athletic Department


Teen Discussion Group


Community Clean-up Committee


Young Business Leaders

Future of America




Membership Drives


Future of  America has membership drives throughout the year to help support many of our programs and activities.


Though the majority of the services offered by Future of America are offered free of charge, F.O.A. Members receive added benefit from membership via scholarship opportunities and special consideration for all programs over non-member participants


F.O.A. Membership is an inexpensive yearly fee that our members pay to ensure the best quality of programs possible.


To obtain F.O.A. Membership please contact Future of America at





Future of America

Non-Profit Organization




Future of America currently supports it’s operations through year around fundraising , Charitable donations from public and private entities, as well as support from our members.


Budget on BLAST

Future of America Fundraising


Future of America Non-Profit Organization Hosts a variety of different fundraising events throughout the year to help fund our many programs.


Upcoming Fundraising events


College Board College Tour

Summer Youth Basket ball Tournament


For more info on upcoming fundraising events

Contact us at


Future of America

College Board

Total Budget 07-08
